Minkels feiert 75-jähriges Jubiläum!
This year Minkels celebrates its 75th anniversary. We’ve come a long way since 1948, when the company was founded by Jan Minkels: at that time, Minkels was a small local business producing sheet metal products for mainly the food industry. Today Minkels is an established manufacturer of server cabinets, aisle containment, and cooling for data center customers worldwide. This celebration, which marks a significant milestone in Minkels history, has been a great opportunity to recognize our company's achievements and its contributions to the industry over the past 75 years.
1948 - 1957 For more than one reason, September 23, 1948 was a joyful day for Jan Minkels. Not only did he turn 29 on that day, but he also established himself as an independent business owner. For a sum of f 2,500 (borrowed from his mother) he bought a small business in Veghel. Minkels started under the trade name Fa. Jan Minkels and the business to be practiced was a "Repair Company for Refrigeration and Dairy Equipment.
1958 - 1962The period of experimentation, the search for a new path and finding the destination. There was an increased need for products to be assembled from sheet metal.
1963 - 1981 This period starts with the name change to Minkels Sheet Metal. More and more products for different industries are made from sheet metal. Jan Minkels even built his own die-cutting machine for this purpose. This period is known as the consolidation and expansion period.
1982 - 1991 The conversion from a primarily product-oriented to a more market-oriented company. The period ends with the establishment of Minkels Holding.
1992 - 2012 Minkels established itself throughout Europe and beyond as a strong and valuable brand in the data center market, with a growing reputation for innovation and service.
2012 – 2023In 2012 the Legrand Group acquired Minkels. Legrand is already very active in the data center market worldwide through its various product lines and brands. With the acquisition of Minkels Legrand strengthens its position in the data center market. Minkels data center product range is highly complementary to Legrand's other product offerings for the data centers, such as PDU’s, cable management, modular UPSes etc. Today Minkels is an established manufacturer of server cabinets, aisle containment, and cooling for data center customers worldwide. Our parent company, Legrand, has played a pivotal role in our journey. Not only as a partner but also as the backbone of our organization.